What is ArtsGo!

Don’t Miss our 4th Annual ArtsGo! Tour this Saturday

FREE to the public

April 25th


Artist Locations are throughout the entire county!!  Don’t miss your chance to View and Purchase artwork from Hendricks County Artists.

Find your Map of Locations in the Hendricks County Flyer or at the following locations: Hendricks County Convention and Visitors Bureau in Danville, Plainfield Public Library, Clayton Public Library, Danville Public Library, Brownsburg Public Library, Coatesville Public Library, State Bank of Lizton at Pittsboro and Lizton, Amo Post Office and Reading Room


ArtsGo began in 2006 as an idea to promote Hendricks County Artists. Conceived by the board of the Hendricks County Arts Council, ArtsGo was a daring one-day event that originally sold maps to the public. The maps laid out a tour of local artists’ studios and demonstrations. It also had directions to galleries and makeshift showings of others’ work.

From the beginning it was a hit. The fourth annual ArtsGo! is this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It has grown into a wonderful event and you all should come and enjoy it.

I feel a personal connection to ArtsGo because I was a board member at the time and because I came up with its first logo.

I can’t recall if I came up with the name or if it was suggested to me, but the logo was something I worked on immediately to give some glitter to the press release. My reasoning was an event focused on artists should have some visual pizazz. Apparently, I was right, because the organizers really liked the logo and still use it on their posters.

That gives me a great feeling of pride. I have always been creative, but I’ve never been seen as a graphic artist. This is my one claim to fame.

So, as you tool around the county, admiring various works of art, think of me whenever you run into this logo.

ArtsGo! Logo